Waxing has always been a pain for somebody and never had issues with others. It feels like the hair is being pulled out of skin and you get blood. It also gets a lot of pain after the waxing session. It’s different from person to person. based on the skin, chemicals used, and brands.
Few topics:
It’s normal, but not as bad as when you’re actually menstruating. You can use numbing cream or ice packs during that time.
You may be able to reduce some of the discomfort by using a warm shower instead of cold water; hot showers are even better than warm ones because they stimulate circulation in the area where the wax will be applied.
If you want to avoid having any kind of irritation from the wax itself, try applying petroleum jelly first. This helps prevent friction between the skin and the wax. Petroleum jelly comes in tubes with applicators at both ends so you don’t need to buy anything special.
Just put enough on each side of the bikini line to cover all areas that might rub against clothing. Then apply the wax without rubbing it into place. If you do experience bleeding afterward, make sure you clean up properly. Don’t just wipe off the excess wax with toilet paper — you’ll spread bacteria around. Use cotton balls soaked in alcohol to remove the remaining bits of wax. And wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
You could also consider trying a new brand of wax. Some people find that certain brands cause less irritation. The answer depends on what type of wax you are using. Waxes come in different consistencies – hard, soft, etc. The harder the wax, the longer it takes to melt away. So, if you’ve used a very thick wax, then yes, it probably hurts worse right before your period. But once you start menstruating, it shouldn’t bother you anymore.
The short answer is no, there isn’t much difference. There is however one thing which makes it slightly easier while you are still on your cycle. That is the fact that your hormones aren’t fluctuating wildly. When you are premenstrual your body produces higher levels of estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones affect how sensitive your nerves are. They tend to increase sensitivity to touch and pressure. If you are experiencing severe cramps, see if you can take a doctor’s appointment to avoid complications. Also, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.